GGGent Entertainment

Spartan Super Bowl 53 challenge

Spartan Super Bowl 53 challenge

1st congratulations to the Chiefs! 2nd.. Spartans what is your profession? AROO! AROO! AROO! Yall want the stats. Here they are get to completing the challenge.  The other day Spartan...

Spartan Super Bowl 53 challenge

1st congratulations to the Chiefs! 2nd.. Spartans what is your profession? AROO! AROO! AROO! Yall want the stats. Here they are get to completing the challenge.  The other day Spartan...

Building a story brand By Donald Miller NOTES

Building a story brand By Donald Miller NOTES

Building a story brand By Donald Miller. Chapter 1: The key to being seen heard and understood The first Mistake brands make as they fail to focus on the aspects...

Building a story brand By Donald Miller NOTES

Building a story brand By Donald Miller. Chapter 1: The key to being seen heard and understood The first Mistake brands make as they fail to focus on the aspects...

Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Now that you’ve identified your target market you’ll need to craft a message that reaches and speaks to that market while reinforcing your brand identity. It not only explains what...

Instagram Marketing

Now that you’ve identified your target market you’ll need to craft a message that reaches and speaks to that market while reinforcing your brand identity. It not only explains what...