The 30 Money Challenge

The 30 Money Challenge

The Money Challenge

By: Art Rainer 

You have dreams. You are going to make a difference in people’s life’s. because you work for it. You Just feel like God has me for something more in store for you.

  1. Give generously 2. Save wisely 3.Live appropriately. It is that simple.

30 day Money Challenge:

  1. Spend time in prayer. Pray that God will give you the courage to have the discussion that need to take place and to make the decision that need to be made. Pray that God will show you where you can be generous.
  2. Consider what generosity has meant to you. We have all been the recipients of another’s generosity. Take a moment to consider what it meant to you to be the recipient of that generosity. Answer these questions: Who Gave? What did they give? How did it make you feel?
  3. Have a generosity Conversation. If you are married, this needs to be with your spouse. If you are not married, make sure it is with someone who is close to you and knows well. Discuss God’s design for money. Discuss the three-step formula. Finally, ask that person if they are willing to do the challenges with you.
  4. Reflect on God’s generosity. Read Isaiah 53. Consider what his generosity means for your generosity.
  5. Read Matthew 25:14-30. Take out a pen and paper and jot down what Jesus is teaching the parable of the Talents. Write down what God is impressing on your heart as it relates to your finances.  
  6. Give a gift to a friend or spouse. Think of something that they would uniquely appreciate. It doesn’t necessarily have to cost anything. Be creative and thoughtful.
  7. Spend some time with the most generous person you know. Share a meal or have a cup of coffee. Let them know in advance that you want to learn how to be more generous. Treat it like an interview. Ask questions and just listen. Soak in their words.
  8. It’s time to take off. Set yourself up to have at least one percent from your gross monthly pay given away. I recommend that you start with your local church. Remember, consider making it automatic.
  9. Write 2 Corinthians 9:7 on a note card and put it on your bathroom mirror. Let it remind you how giving should occur for each of us. Pray that God can make you a cheerful giver. We save wisely so we can give joyfully.
  10. Put others first, literally. Next time you are inline, let the person behind you go first. And if you have the opportunity, Hold the door for someone, making sure that they enter the doorway ahead of you.
  11. Determine how much you need for your emergency (3-6 months) savings account. If you have kids, I recommended landing on an amount that is closer to the six month mark
  12. Set up your emergency savings account. Find an account that requires a very small minimum balance to avoid any fees. Place the minimum amount in it to get started. Then set up a monthly transfer from your checking to your savings.
  13. Find out how much you need for retirement. There are plenty of great retirement calculators available online, like the one on Enter the necessary information to determine where you currently stand with your retirement savings. Next, determine how much you will need to start setting aside to retire comfortably at age 65.
  14. Set up your retirement account, if your company offers one, talk to your Human Resources officer and get enrolled. If they don’t offer one, set up a low cost Roth IRA. Start working toward your 15 percent goal.
  15. Understand where you stand globally. On the internet, look up national GDP (Gross Domestic Product) rankings. It is a measure of national wealth. Pick out a country toward the bottom third. Spend some time learning about the people of that country and praying for them.
  16. Ask yourself the question, “How much should I keep?” If you are married, this would be a great conversation topic with your spouse. Consider when enough will be enough for you.
  17. Look for an opportunity to help someone in need. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Help them. Generous people do not wait for opportunities to come to them. They seek out ways to bless others.
  18. Be generous with your home. Invite your friends over for a meal. If you are tight on cash, do a potluck. Ask everyone to bring an entrée, side dish, or dessert.
  19. Plan a “free” weekend. Figure out how to make it through the weekend without spending a single penny. For food, only use what you have in your home prior to Friday afternoon. Get creative and have fun.
  20. Be thankful and strategically consider where you live and primary mode of transportation. Write down five reasons you are thankful for each. Next, write down three ways you can leverage your residence and mode of transportation for God’s, mission.
  21. Give your stuff away. Identify items you have not used for tree years. Give or donate the items to an individual or organization that can use them.
  22. Speaking of the Joneses, introduce yourself to a neighbor whom you have not yet met. Be sure to bring with you cookies or some type of small gift.
  23. Map out your debt-free plan. Write down all of your debts. Using the snowball Method. Create a plan to pay off your debt. Mark down the order in which you will knock out these debts.
  24. Tell someone, “Thank you.” Identify someone who has been generous to you. Give them a call. Let them know what they mean to you and how truly grateful you ae for them
  25. Create a budget. Do some dreaming and scheming. Figure out what areas you can reduce or cut to align with the “Give generously, save Wisely, live appropriately” formula.
  26. Identify something you can do for others for free. Then offer it to someone. Maybe it’s babysitting. Maybe it is mowing the lawn. Maybe it’s providing consulting in your area of expertise. Be generous with your time and talent.
  27. Get to know your financial personality. Are you a spender, saver, planner, avoider, or other? Write down some characteristics that you feel define your financial personality. Write down the strengths and weaknesses of each characteristic. If you are married, have a discussion about them with your spouse at a coffee shop. Keep the conversation light.
  28. Give your spouse access to your accounts. Sometimes this may mean adding them to the account. Other times, this may simple mean giving them the username and password for online access. Make each account “our” account, not “my” account.
  29. Help someone who, in your opinion, doesn’t deserve it. And it doesn’t have to be financial help. Try to identify a need they have and help them with it. If you can’t spot a need, write them an encouraging note.
  30. Living generously is not just about money. Live open handedly with every resource God had given you. Always remember, God designed us not to be hoarders, but conduits through which generosity flows.


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