Tacos Mobile Game App Release.

Tacos Mobile Game App Release.

GGGent Entertainment has released its very 1st mobile app.


In this big world of mobile app we are a very small fish in the sea. We are such a small fish in the sea that when you go and type the name of our game in the search bar we don't pull up. 

The reason for that is other apps have many downloads, reviews, and the algorithm will put them up first because in the long run those app will produce more money their company.  

Please leave a review it will increase our chance of being seen in the top search once we have enough reviews. This is a free to play no pop up ads, no ads asking you to watch a video. This game is purely for fun. We truly hope you enjoy and would share this with a friend. 

How many tacos can you eat? Find out 

CLICK HERE: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Gggent.Tacos

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