How much to spend?
While there is not an exact formula to determine your starting budget, you should aim to spend enough to test at least one to three different ad partners, and gather enough installs and spend to evaluate the quality of the advertising inventory source or the app where your ad runs within.
Video Ads:
Playables: Enable users to actually try out your game, and can lead to qualified downloads since the user knows exactly what they are getting
Banner adsLa form of smaller sized graphical ads, typically including static images & text to convey a marketing message.
Interstitials (Non rewarded or skip able ads: Ads that appear between two content pages. These can be videos, static, or rich media.
Native Ads: Native advertising is a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the natural form and function of the user experience in which it is placed.
End cards: static or animated image including the app icon and call to action
Now it’s time to determine what kind of targeting strategies you want to deploy in order to reach the right audience. good strategy is to limit your targeting tactics. Target your players:
1. Device type
2. Operating system
3. Internet connection
4. demographic
the more you break down your audience into different groups, and the more accurately you can define them, the better the ads you can serve them to convert them into new users. by narrowing your pool, you’re limiting the scale of your reach. You’ll need to balance implementing the targeting strategies that get you the users you want with reaching a wide base of potential new users.
GGGent Entertainment