Lets apricate the giver of good gifts more than the good gift itself. The person who brings the gift is someone who actually loves you! The ones who bring the best gifts are the gifts that are given with some thought behind it. There is nothing worst than getting a gift card. A gift card is such a last minute let me pick this up on the way gift. They are only bringing a gift to keep face. These are the worst. Yes we are going to say thank you and give that hug but then we are going to move along and be on our happy way buy that thing off of amazon then we are going to forget all about it.
Gifts given with thought are the good gifts. These gift will last in our hearts and minds for years to come. Thoughtful gifts means that this person has been thinking about you. This person loves you, wants the best success for you and being with this person is a joy. We look forward to being with them, we are able to laugh together develop more memories and be honest with each other. We all have that one cousin we really look forward to seeing.
God is that person who brings the good gift!
Lets invite God into our hearts, our lives and the party. Allowing God to live in our hearts will not only bring unspeakable blessing to us but also simply put happiness. Apricate the bringer of the good gift. God is the one that loves us unconditionally. He brings His gift not to keep face but because He is always thinking about us, God wants the best success for ourselves and He is a joy to have around.
Let the light of your face shine on us.
7 Fill my heart with joy
when their grain and new wine abound.
for you alone, Lord,
make me dwell in safety.