How many of us have sat down chilling on a mountain top or the front porch or even along side the beach and watch the sun rise or sun set? What where you feeling at that point? Was it peace?
Peace is when everything for at least just a split second is perfect. The thoughts we have are of sound mind. The people who are around us are bringing this energy of joy. The setting may be bad but withing that moment everything is right. The more we look for moments like that the more we will find them, bringing more peaceful times that will eventually change our life. We will notice that we can still have very happy times in the worst of situations. It only takes a moment for a whole lot of pressure and stress to be released.
Don't forget to thank God for these moments the more we let God bring new moments into our life, which by the way we must open up to new experience, be willing to let go and this is all so Gods greatness can come flooding into our life.
Peace also comes from acknowledging where we have messed up. Taking responsibility for our decisions. When we do this we will see the flaws in how we have behave and with the help of God will be able to do better. Doing better will lead to that promotion, the better relationship, true happiness, a.k.a. peace.
Peace is being able to have moments on the front porch, driving the car, enjoying the sun set or sun rise, or being at work and knowing we are doing the right thing. Except that we do not know everything and are not able to do everything. Peace is when we leave the complications of our problems on Gods door step and thank Him for taking care of it.
Give praise to God, Live with His word from the bible in our minds and heart and peace will be a for sure thing.
Luke 1:78-79
78 because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
79 to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
GGGent Life