The pursuit of peace.

The pursuit of peace.

This is not any kind of peace it will not will flutter away. This is the kind of peace that will keep the pursuers of it fulfilled. This is the peace that Jesus Christ left for us, peace with God is a life long enjoyment. 

Go after search for this! Find it as fast as you can! Peace with God will sustain forever, pursue the peace that Jesus left to this word because life will never be the same again. Life will be filled with a new purpose. The will of God will slowly become a primary mission to those who obtain it. It is obtainable to any one and everyone. When the peace of Jesus is obtained it will be shared, it is too enjoyable to keep to ones self, lets waist no opportunities by pursuing things that do not matter. 


Romans 14:19 
19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what
leads to peace and to mutual edification
The pursuit of Peace
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