How many times have I gone out to auto zone or had to order parts for a car online? The parts come in the mail I take time to replace the bad with the new and now my car has changed. I keep my cars for as long as I can (Don't be scared of putting some elbow grease in.)
After time and all the work that has been poured into it the car now has a new feeling when I hop into it. Most of the time I feel more secure driving it around Gods green Earth. Other times I change the physical appearance I feel cooler. We often do the same thing with our lives. We make mistakes we try to fix them hoping that what has been done can be repaired. The beautiful thing is sometimes letting the broken stay broken, flat our leaving it where it is and move on. Continually repairing things will lead to the item, relationship whatever give out for good. Know when enough is enough.
God does more than replace old habits in us, He makes us new, He completely changes us from the inside. When we allow Him to.
In the eyes of God we are not a meshed piece of mistakes. No, no, no we are a faultless masterpiece, a beautifully thought out creation. Serve God and His word and we will become greater than we ever could have imagined.
Remember my Honda may look nicer but what is on the inside of your car is what matters more. What is on the inside of your heart? If you want to learn more about how God can change you from the inside-out leave a comment send an email. GGGent is here to help, GGGent can point you in the direction of how you to can change your $500 mini van to a ten second car. Drop a comment if you caught the metaphor.
2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!
Ten Second cars.
GGGent Life