Peace under pressure

Peace under pressure

Peace is a real thing available through Jesus Christ. Be happy encouraged that Jesus is with us wanting this peace to be upon the world. The world is filled with troubles. Trouble is not hiding. Trouble is everywhere you look it is nearly impossible to turn the tv on, get on the internet or even have a simple conversation without hearing about something going wrong. 

GGGent, if there was no trouble in this world there would be no opportunities to make money. Money is not the root of evil the lack of it it. There is a balance between good and evil, a very delicate one. This world wants us to think that there is no good but that train of thought is just plain out wrong. Jesus overcame the troubles of this world by dying n the cross for us and rising again. For His actions He has shown us that peace is available through Him and With Him we victorious in the mist of trouble not victims of the circumstances. Being with Jesus a Man who died for the world to save us from our sin is peace. We will face trouble, maybe even go hungry or with out shelter some night but we will never be lost or with out the comfort of a God who loves us.   


John 16:33 
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Peace under pressure
GGGent Life
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