How strong is our bond?

How strong is our bond?


The Love God has for us is unconditional, it is not like He will stop loving us depending on our behaviors. We should relax today secure in His love. 

The love God has for us is the strength we the world can relay on the get us through another bad day. It seems crazy sometimes what we must see, hear, what we go through is unbelievable.

How is it possible that there are not more people acting like animals? When people who do start acting like animals move farther and farther away from God God is still watching over them. God does not want want anyone to go afar from Him. He wants us unified! We are all on the same chain link and the more and more people try to brake apart from the link they never will be because God is holding it together. The more they try the more they fail the angrier they will become, because they are missing something fundamental. The security knowing God is making sure that His chain link of people will never brake. Gods love for us is unbreakable. Be secure or at least content with what you have and if you need better pray, ask for prayer. If this whole concept is knew to you give it a try. 

Dear Lord loving Father who keeps us all in His plan protect those who do not know how great your love is. Please let them experience your love for a moment shining a glimpse of hoe much easing life is with you in our hearts. Guide them a path to you. 

GGGent Life!

Romans 8:38-39 

38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How strong is our bond?
GGGent Life
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