We choose who we surround ourselves with. Yes it hard to find a new social circle. We all heard the saying, you are who you surround yourself with. Hang with 5 millionaires you will be the six. These sayings float around because they are true!
People of God are great. We are told this! Gods words directly from the bible tell us that we are great among nations. We choose who we surround ourselves with. To be a winner we have to have a team around to help us grow in everyway. To be a winner is a choice. To be great amount nations is a choice. These choices are made daily. The small things matter. Whatever it is we have to be disciplined and willing to make sacrifices.
God forces us to go through trials and tribulations for a reason. One day down the line we will be able to use our life experience to help people. Seeing others grow through our helping hand is an indescribable feeling. When someone publicly announces that you where the one who was their to get them through those hard times, receiving that recognition is a blessing.
Take a perspective of life like It is like a team sport. With out the team to cheer us on when we do something good or to point out our flaws it would be hard to grow better without them. What team do we want to be on a winning team or a losing team. If someone said they want to be on a losing team the motivation behind it has to be to take that team from nothing to something. Everyone who is worth a damn wants to be a winning. Find your winning circle
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Find your winning circleGod-Goals-Greatness
GGGent Life