They make there way to the back of the building.
Mad Mike easily gets half way up. We should see Mad Mike looking down at Gent Guy making his was up. Mad Mike does not put his hand down to give Gent the assist. Instead he sits down,
pulls his phone out of his pocket and sets it down.
Yells down to Gent well take your time I am getting myself situated for comfort. If it is taking you this long to climb this far
we are going to be here for a while.
Gent finally makes it to the ledge. "Ok. 'm going to the top now."
Gent makes it to the top.
His Hat blows off, as he feels the hat begin to come off of his head he throws his hands in the air trying to grab his hat before it make the long fall down.
Doing this he loses his balance nearly falling.
We should be seeing his hat falling down. ( I only have so much time and no budge set aside for comic book art right now.)
Regaining his balance, Gent gets his head right. OK what next?
"Time to climb down and to get my hat!.....I almost just died."
Jumping down from ledge to ledge not allowing the wind up at these heights give him any concern. Gent is on a mission and that is to get his hat.
The hat falls down on the ledge in front of Mad Mike. Gent with so much joy in his eyes see that his hat has landed. Then, now Mad Mike kicks the hat off of the ledge. What are friends for LOL. Gent lands on the same ledge looks at him with an empty stare.
-- Pause --
Gent now on the ground running around from the back of the building to pick up his hat.
Celebration. YAE Gent got his hat back, and buzz kill. Only one who cares about the hat situation was Gent.
He puts his hat back on.
-- Pause, New scene --
Mad Mike and Gent walking home. Mad Mike ask Gent. "Let me see the picture."
"What picture"
"Of you at the top of the building."
"I didn't take a picture!"
"No picture? Didn't happen."